Monday, December 2, 2013

Rocket Chinese Review: Learn Chinese Language the Right Way

Chinese is known as one of the most important languages.  This is due to large number of Chinese who invaded different industries and the numbers are continuously rising. In fact, it is the top spoken language in the whole world with approximately 1.2 billion speakers. Having the ability to speak the language fluently has a huge advantage especially on the competitive world of business.

Whether you are looking for Chinese business partner, planning to visit China and explore the country or just want to learn the language, maybe you can consider the option of learning Chinese at home.  However, one of the most difficult things that you will encounter when learning a new language is how to choose the appropriate method.

There are several courses that you can purchase and download over the internet but you do not know which one really works. It is important to identify the program that is effective and worth for the money. This course is one of the top choices among beginners and this review will explain why. With this article, you will have an overview about the contents of the program as well as to determine if this is the best choice for you.

Rocket Chinese Review: What to Expect in Rocket Chinese?

Rocket Chinese belongs to the portfolio of Rocket Languages that also includes other languages such as French, Spanish, Hindi and Arabic.  The Rocket Chinese is under the Libros Media Company and been in the industry since 2004. This review demonstrates that the track record of the company is relatively good in terms of product development and customer service. It offers US toll-free number and online to provide excellent round the clock customer support.
The Rocket Chinese is a kind of software that allows self-guided teaching program and helps individuals to learn Chinese with its multiple methods. Collectively, these methods are known as Interactive Learning that helps people learn the language faster. The program uses three main methods of teaching and these are software for vocabulary games, special recording for pronunciation helper and audio tapes.
As part of the program, the software for vocabulary games includes Mega Audio and MegaVocab. These games will teach you to recognize vocabulary words quickly in its spoken and written forms, thus making you learn Chinese the faster way.
Rocket Record or special recording for pronunciation helper is also included in this Rocket Chinese review. This allows you to perfect the pronunciation of words by repeating similar phrase said by the program. Continue pronouncing the words until such time your pronunciation is the same with the program. The use of audio tapes is another method of teaching and it contains 30 tapes with a total length of 15 hours. These tapes explain the learning basics, proper speaking as well as pronunciation.
You will obtain these amazing features if you purchase Rocket Chinese package. In addition, you can access the forum for free, allowing you to interact with fellow Chinese learners and teachers.  Another good thing is that they offer money-back-guarantee for a period of 60 days.

The program is called Rocket since anyone can learn the language quickly by utilizing RC. This is possible as long as the learner will also do his job to stay motivated and determined to learn Chinese. In addition, there are many successful stories coming from different RC reviews that show how effective the R’ Chinese was. This is because of the comprehensive and structured lessons offered as well as the additional features that are unique to this Chinese course.

Why should you Purchase Rocket Chinese Premium?

The web is loaded with numerous downloadable Chinese courses but probably the best choice is the Rocket Chinese Premium. This program allows you to learn and speak the language the easiest way. As part of this Review, the programhas several features that include:
  • more than 30hrs of well-structured audio lessons and transcriptions are also included
  • cultural and language lessons
  • 24-hours access in Members Forum
  • motivation center and learning languages strategies
  • tests and certificates
This Rocket Chinese review illustrates that the audio lessons are the main portion of the Premium and they are available for download or on the computer. The lessons are well-designed and organized into 3 levels that allow the beginners to easily advance in the lesson. Each lesson lasts for about 20 minutes and provides you an opportunity to speak, practice and interact. The topics are fascinating and reflect the real life circumstances in China. The Premium package also includes notes, quizzes and transcripts.
 Motivation Center is also a unique feature in the course.  It offers different kinds of strategies and tips to help you improve your study habit.  Premium members enjoy 24-hours access to Community Forum where members and teachers respond immediately to questions.  The combined community knowledge provides an excellent support while you are learning.
 Every lesson is reflected with Cultural and Language Lesson which is another unique feature in this Rocket Chinese Premium. The lessons offer remarkable insights and show the China’s culture.  The acquired knowledge will boost your confidence to speak Chinese.  Moreover, Chinese characters and Chinese grammar are also included in the lessons.


Rocket Chinese is an excellent learning tool for beginners who want to learn Chinese the fastest way.  The program is well-designed, navigation is easy and covers wide array of topics.  Audio lessons are fun to learn and upbeat. This RC review guarantees that you will obtain a solid Chinese foundation as you progress. The program is great value for your money but if you are not satisfied, there is a 60 days money-back-guarantee.

Learning Chinese Trends and Developments

A quick question! Which language has more new learners than any other? When you think about it, it is no surprise that more and more people are learning Chinese these days.

Historically, there was not much incentive for learning Chinese. China was a very closed country. There was hardly any tourism! And most businesses, including those who imported and exported, were tightly controlled by the government.

It was next to impossible to get a visa to visit the country, unless you were doing business with the government. And there was really no infrastructure for those tourists who actually made the trip.

Most businesses focused instead on Hong Kong, where English is spoken, and relied on agents to help them transact any business in China. Accordingly, there was no need to go about learning Chinese in the first place.

The free market is governed by supply and demand. Because there was not much demand for learning Chinese, there were not many options available for those who wanted to do so. The only real option was a private tutor. And those can be expensive!

Oh, how things have changed in a few decades. Not there is an exploding middle class in China. Travel to China is now a realistic option. And in terms of market size and demand, it is the fastest growing consumer market in the world. Suddenly learning Chinese is very relevant indeed!

Learn Chinese - Equip Yourself, Your Success

It is very hard to deny the fact that China is growing in prominence at a very fast pace. Companies from all over the world are scrambling to do business with the Chinese because it is not just a manufacturing hub but also a fast growing market for all sorts of consumer goods. If you wish to succeed in the world of business then it is very important for you to learn Chinese if you do not already know this language. Knowledge of their language and also customs will help you deal with Chinese people very easily since English is not yet spoken very fluently in that country.

Learning Chinese is no easy task. This is a very complex language and you will need to put in a lot of effort to master it. However, you'll find that a smattering of easy words and phrases from this language will help you breach many walls when you talk to Chinese people. You will find that people respond to you with eagerness, and interestingly enough, they too will go to great lengths to communicate with you. This will make your task of doing business with the Chinese that much easier.

There is no doubt that fluency in Chinese will give you a massive advantage over other foreign nationals. However, you can also get by with a few simple phrases. In fact, you can make yourself understood fairly well if you pick up a few phrases at a time. You will be interested to know that you can pick up basics of this language in a mere five minutes.

Chinese Language Lessons For Beginners - Is It Hard To Learn Chinese?

Frequently I have heard my students or anyone who is interested in learning Mandarin complaining: "Learning Chinese language is so hard, I can't even pronounce properly and the characters are complicated compare to English." Yes I agree that Chinese is hard, but the hardest thing I found is to get the learning process started effectively, and achieve a good foundation of basic knowledge and skills. Then once a student is on the right track, learning Chinese becomes much easier the more you study.

May I suggest some key ideas to make things easier for the first time learners?

First of all, for the basics, there are 4 tones in Mandarin Chinese, and each character needs to pronounce with 1 of these 4 tones. Without knowing this, pronouncing Chinese can be very difficult. If you want to master the pronunciations of Chinese characters, then learning and practicing the tones is one of the keys.

7 Tips For Learning Chinese Quickly

Although no matter what, language learning takes time, there are some things you can do to accelerate the process. You may not be able to put all of these things into practice, but by taking action with even a couple of these suggestions you can greatly decrease the time it will take you to reach fluency.

1. Build a schedule

The most important part of learning any language is consistent practice. This goes without saying. However, many people undervalue the importance of consistency and routine. It might not seem like much to practice for a half hour, five days a week, but it's twice as effective as practicing for two and a half hours once a week. No matter how busy you are, you can fit language learning into your everyday routine. Whether it's during a commute to work, during your lunch break, or in a quiet space in the evening - make the time, make progress.

Learn Chinese Language Fast and Easy by Choosing Good eBooks

Do you want to study Chinese by yourself in your spare time? What is the fast and easy way to do that? My suggestion is to choose good Chinese language eBooks. The most commonly used and popular eBooks now are created in PDF format; the free software to open this type of eBook is Acrobat Reader. You can download it online.

Here are the main reasons for choosing a good PDF Chinese language book to begin your study:

Learning Chinese - Why It is Important?

Why do you need to learn a new language?

A language is like a door, which enables you to learn the world. When you learn one language, you get to know one part of the world. If you learn a new language and know the culture, you can communicate with more people and understand them better. A new language opens more business opportunities, job opportunities and other opportunities for you to enjoy life.

Why Learning Mandarin Chinese?

China is the country, which has the most population. It is becoming one of the countries, which have a strong economic power. Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. Mandarin Chinese language is the official language of China and Taiwan, as well as one of four official languages of Singapore, and one of six official languages of the United Nations.
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